Friday, September 4, 2009

Bad day, long week :(

After a very, very looong week of being very busy and tired, I had a bad day today. I was running an errand before going to work, and I was trying to find parking. There was not a single spot, until I was turning right onto a one-way street, and I saw a spot a few car lengths back. Nobody was coming, so I put my car in reverse, and backed up right as someone was pulling out of the parking lot I had just pulled out of :( I have my first dent in my car that I have had for less than a month. I'm hoping she doesn't find any damage on her car so my insurance doesn't find out...

In other news, I have been crazy busy with work and have the added stress of having a house guest here for a week. I don't mind having a friend here, but it's no fun to have to hide being pregnant 24/7 when I used to be able to come home to all of my pregnancy books and sonogram picture on the fridge. Luckily my symptoms have all pretty much disappeared (this is my "other news"). I am exhausted, but that is from not sleeping enough and working a ton- my work always takes a lot out of me. Now I am just trying to keep away the thoughts that something is wrong because my symptoms are gone... luckily I go for my next appointment on Wednesday. If everything is okay then I don't mind not having symptoms, I just need the doctor to confirm that. We are planning on telling Mr. Beaver's mom and all of our siblings after this appointment, so hopefully everything goes well!

Now I'm off to fake drink/avoid "why aren't you drinking?" questions and be social.
Have a good weekend!

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