Monday, March 22, 2010

I think our baby is going to be very well behaved :)

I've been crazy busy getting stuff around the house done and preparing for my public dissertation proposal next Monday (which I just scheduled a few days ago... talk about time pressure!). This morning has flown by while I try to get stuff done, but in the back of the mind I keep worrying about not noticing baby moving at all today. When the baby doesn't seem to move, I'm supposed to drink a cup of juice and lay on my side for an hour and make sure I feel at least 10 kicks. Losing an hour of work time today would not be a good thing!! But I was worried about the baby. I figured I'd try something else first, so I lifted my shirt and asked our baby to move so I could keep working and stop worrying. Within a couple of minutes I felt (and saw) more than 10 good movements! I didn't even have to lay down- I remained sitting with my computer on my lap and all. I guess baby was just trying to help me get work done and avoid being distracted this morning :) I thought this was so cool I had to take a couple of minutes to post! Now I've got to get back to work... I'm planning to upload the belly pic from this weekend tonight... can't believe I'm full term already!!!!!

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