Friday, April 23, 2010

2 weeks!!!

I can't believe that at 2:05 am, our baby will be two weeks old already! The time has flown by. Everything is going really well so far! We had a ped. appt on Tuesday, at 9 days old, and Baby Beaver weighed in at 7 lbs, 9 oz! That is just over a half-pound (8 oz) in 5 days! It is a huge relief for me to know that she is getting plenty to eat, although I'm lucky that I have plenty of milk (the leaking makes it obvious) and she has plenty of dirty diapers, so I wasn't too concerned. Mr. Beaver wrote a program for me to keep track of diapers and feeding, and the first day I used it she had 15 feedings and 15 diaper changes, in 24 hours! She's settled down a little, eating every 2 hours during the day and 3 at night, and she usually goes right back to sleep after eating so I get plenty of sleep. Nursing still hurts a little at first, when she latches on, but I'm fine after a minute and don't mind it at all.

I'm already getting a little bored at home all day, so we've started taking walks, which have gone really well so far. Baby Beaver actually stays awake and seems to enjoy looking out of the stroller, and I'm sure the fresh air is good for her, and pushing a stroller up the steep hills around our house is definitely a great workout for me. She also came with us to DQ for ice cream and enjoyed herself, and spent a few hours on campus meeting a bunch of my colleagues. She has been to the park once and did great, so hopefully we'll do that again soon. I don't want to take her out too much yet because I know how easily she can get sick, but the few outings we've had so far have gone so well that I am excited for all of the things we will do as a family this summer!

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