Saturday, October 9, 2010

Ahhh time...

It seems to be going by so fast! I need to do updates, but just thought I'd do a quick post for now. Our baby is becoming more and more amazing every day... she is getting so big and doing so much! She has been sitting unassisted (real sitting- no tripod-ing!) for a couple of weeks now, and she is army-crawling so fast! She gets up on her hands and knees but has only moved a tiny bit backward so far, no forward crawling yet. She is wearing 6-9 month and just 9 month clothes now and they fit her well! She is down to one nighttime feeding, but usually wakes a second time and just needs a little back-patting to go back to sleep. This is a HUGE improvement, and it's been going on a week today so hopefully it keeps up (and the second waking fades out). She is teething but no teeth showing yet... we see little white spots now and then but then they seem to fade. She goes crazy gnawing everything - especially cheek bones and chins, which is weird and not fun. For some reason she isn't a huge fan of teething toys... There is lots of drooling, a little fussiness, and lots of runny noses, but she's a trooper. I can't believe she will be 6 months old on Monday, and after her 6 month appointment we will be starting to feed her solid food! She is so ready, and hopefully by then I will be too :) I just still can't believe how fast these weeks/months are going by.
Okay that was a pretty thorough update! Some pictures to make up for lack of posting:
(I wish I was a better photographer and could capture how cute she is in person!)

1 comment:

  1. she is SO adorable and seems to be exactly the same as finn at 7 months (so, now). i wonder if his month early arrival makes a difference?

    i love her headphones and her face in the characters!! can't wait to hear about food :)
