Wednesday, December 8, 2010

My baby is sick :(

We woke up to our poor baby girl crying last night and went in to find her bed drenched with vomit :( It was one of the saddest things ever!! I cried over the thought that she could have choked, but luckily she was fine other than being sick. We cleaned her up as much as we could, she threw up a couple more times, I finally got her back to sleep in bed next to me so I could make sure if she was sick again that she would not choke. She woke early this morning and I was sure she was starving, so I nursed her just on one side. She was acting like her normal, cheerful self- babbling, smiling, cooing, etc. but within a few minutes of eating, all contents of her stomach covered our dresser ("projectile" is an accurate description of this event). She still got up and acted pretty cheerful, but after a bath and tiny one-minute nursing sessions to try and keep her hydrated, we went to the doctor.
(bad phone picture, but she was being so cute despite being sick!)
Of course nothing terrible is wrong- she has some kind of stomach bug, which will hopefully pass quickly... I knew this but had to be sure. Luckily she never had a fever, and still hasn't gotten sick again since this morning, but I still feel so sad for her!! I hope this is not something we have to deal with again any time soon. For now, I'm trying to keep her comfy as she sleeps (almost all day now).

1 comment:

  1. i'm so sorry she's sick!! that sounds horrible and i hope you all return to normal soon. we're battling sickness here, too and it's so hard to see finn sick with his congestion and horrible cough.

    she looks SO cute snuggled up for her nap :)
