Wednesday, January 12, 2011

9 Months!!

My baby has been here for the same length of time as I was pregnant with her... actually, I guess even longer, since the first two weeks you aren't really pregnant. Anyway- that seems really long to me. She seems really old already!! I thought I had at least a year before she became a toddler instead of a baby, but she already seems to have outgrown the "baby" title. Everything she does is so intentional. Every look she makes has so much meaning. Sometimes, even her babbling seems to be genuine attempts at communicating! She seems like she barely even needs me anymore- she always wants to be on the ground doing her own thing, she prefers to feed herself, although she will let us feed her now, she even seems to be able to communicate which books she wants read to her (and which she doesn't). It is crazy how grown-up she already seems. I actually get really happy when she is sleepy or fussy for whatever reason, and comes to me to cuddle and be held. I am hoping the next three months go by really, really slowly and I can keep the few baby tendencies she still has for just a little longer...

Age: 9 months!

Stats/Size: Still wearing 6-9 month clothes, 9 month clothes, 6-12 month clothes, and even some 12-month pants and 9-12 month clothes. Will find out her official weight and length on Friday.

Sleep: Pretty good. She still can't go all night without getting hungry, but she usually goes a good 6-8 hours before waking to eat, and has been going right back to sleep after eating again. We've been having some trouble getting her to fall asleep at night, and have started putting her down awake. She is usually okay for about 5-10 min, and then starts crying. We go in, pick her up and rock her to sleep,then put her down again. Then she wakes up again. We wait for her to start crying- usually she just fusses and complains for a little while. Sometimes she falls asleep, sometimes she cries again and we repeat the procedure. I can't let her cry- it is just too sad- but I am able to let her fuss and complain. She fusses and complains when we hold her, so it's not really that different. So far she seems to be getting better at falling back to sleep on her own, and I'm hoping that she eventually learns to fall asleep on her own from the start. If not, I have to admit that I really don't mind rocking her to sleep, and usually don't want to put her down right away when she does drift off :)

Eat: doing SO much better now! She eats whatever we eat that I think is healthy enough to give her, and also has some rice cereal or oatmeal with fruits or veggies in it once or twice a day. I love dinner time when we all sit together and enjoy our food! Now I think I need to get her on some kind of eating schedule, and I think the doctor will tell me that she needs to have more (quantity-wise) solid foods during the day. She still nurses 4 times a day, once at night.

Getting Around: She crawls way too fast. Maybe I'll do a short post about baby-proofing so far... we haven't done enough. Cruising has been getting more adventurous. She goes from table to puzzle cube, couch to wall, etc. She lets go for seconds at a time to clap or hold something, and is great at grabbing back on or getting down on her own. It is crazy.

New People: Mr. Beaver's cousin and his fiance came for an unexpected visit, so she finally got to meet them! He was the best man at our wedding and is like a brother, so it's nice she finally got to meet this uncle.

Best moment this week: Hmm... hard to pick out a moment. It was fun to see the excitement on baby's face when she started walking with her walker, although I was pretty scared it was going to get away from her and she would fall flat on her face (it didn't). I guess seeing her dance for the first time the other night was pretty great :) I'll have to try and post the video below.

Worst moment this week: One night she woke twice to eat... that's all I can think of. It's been a pretty good week!

What I miss: sleeping in! Every now and then drinking alcohol... especially when my mother-in-law visits ;)

What I am looking forward to: My girls-weekend in less than a week!! They are awesome and coming here so I don't have to leave or travel with the baby alone. It is always a great time! Hopefully we don't get a blizzard this time. Oh, and related to this, seeing my friend for the first time since she has gotten pregnant! Soon our baby will have a new friend!

Weekly Wisdom: always have a video camera ready:

1 comment:

  1. the dancing is AMAZING. i watched it twice and sent it to the husband. love her little chubby legs groovin'!
