Sunday, July 29, 2012

29 weeks!

Here's a picture from earlier this week:

Nothing too new to report, except on behalf of the toddler -- who has not worn diapers during the day for a full week now!! She is far from being potty trained, but outside of naps and nighttime we are able to keep her from having accidents as long as we stay on top of things and sit her on the potty often enough. We actually set an alarm to remind ourselves, and we may have unintentionally conditioned the alarm sound to be a potty trigger... the other day it went off and we ignored it because we were doing something and she had just gone about 30 min earlier, and she had an accident! But for not really doing much intentional potty training, I am surprised at how few accidents we have had (less than one a day). We have even had some successful poops on the potty.
I don't really have time for more update right now, but hopefully I'll think of doing it more now that I am having appointments every two weeks. 

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