Monday, September 24, 2012

Full term!!!

 Definitely the size of a watermelon now!

In honor of the big milestone, I'll do the old survey:
How far along? 37 weeks... that's only 21 days to go!
Total weight gain/loss: Just like last time, I think I'm about 27-28 lb up. I checked my weight today at my appointment, I just don't know exactly where I started.
Sleep: sleep is okay, I usually wake up around 4-5 in the morning and have some trouble getting to sleep. I should go to bed earlier, but Riley doesn't go to sleep until about 9, and I like to relax and watch a little tv after I get things cleaned up and do any chores... before I know it, it's after 11!
Best moment this week: We had our carseats inspected this past weekend, and I was happy to get them to fit both rear-facing, with the infant seat in the middle, just like I was hoping to. Inconvenient, but I have piece of mind feeling like the seats are safe!!
Best moment this month, though (because I haven't posted in so long!) was definitely the girls' weekend with friends to celebrate the new baby, complete with a Philly+baby themed scavenger hunt!! It was made even better having one friend's baby along and the other entering her second trimester with what will be the fourth kid-dition to our group! I can't believe how quickly we seemed to go from 3 of us to 7 of us... probably 8 of us by this time next year (or close to it)! ;)
Movement: SOOO much! The baby seems really big, but my midwife only estimates it at about 5.5-6 lb right now.
Food cravings: nothing out of the ordinary with my eating habits from pre-pregnancy
Gender: I kinda think girl, mostly because the midwife estimated the size so small, and because we keep calling baby "she"... but that could be out of habit. Also, not much seems different from last time. But who knows! We'll find out soon enough!
Labor signs: Contractions all the time... but I am pretty sure at least most of them are braxton hicks. Some of them are getting pretty uncomfortable though!
Belly Button in or out? very out for a long time now. eww.
What I miss: Being comfortable! I feel like my uterus is bigger this time... I am very limited in the ways I can sit and lay down. My midwife commented that my uterus is all the way against my sternum. Not sure where else it can grow! I'm measuring about 2 cm behind, but growing weekly so no worries... but we'll see what happens over the next few weeks!
What I am looking forward to: hmm I guess just figuring out a plan for work, and getting things set for my leave. Right now I'm not really sure what is going to happen with my work- I'm afraid it's just going to stand still until I come back, but it kinda has a time limit so it's stressing me out!
Weekly wisdom: I have nothing...
Milestones: I'm full term!

Here is my belly tonight:

 Compared to last time at 37 weeks:

And compared to a couple of weeks ago:

In Riley updates, she is doing great... talking all.the.time, moving constantly day and night (she cannot sit still!) and getting more coordinated every day. Her new thing is doing sommersaults, which she is surprisingly good at when she gets her legs over, but that is only about 1/4 of the time- the other 3/4 of the time she kinda just rolls to the side. She loves doing yoga too, and is getting pretty good balance!

So sad- I have no pictures on my phone from the past month or so! Here's an older one, I'll upload some from the camera soon...

In cognitive growth, I think she has gone from being a "two-knower" to a "three-knower"! She has understood the concept of two for a while, but today was the first time I was confident that she understood the quantity 3! Also, she is getting better at counting into the teens and knowing numbers in the 20s! She knows sooo many songs, and makes up a lot of her own, and LOVES to dance. Now she is getting coordinated enough to play her guitar (a ukelele) and sing at the same time, and the other day she entertained company by playing it while also "playing" the tuner :)
She still wants to pretend to be a baby, but I think it may pass once the baby is here... I guess we will find out soon enough!

Some videos:
Playing the guitar- this video is kinda old, but cute... I'd say it's from about a month ago? 

First time mini-golfing (out of the house- she's got a set of plastic clubs and plays at home with Mr. Beaver)

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