Tuesday, March 22, 2011

11 month updates!

I can't believe that we are at 11 months already... and almost 11 1/2 at that. I've come on a few times to post quick, exciting updates, but for some reason my browser was weird and I couldn't figure out how to sign in and write a post. I was more persistent today and figured it out! Anyway...

More than 11 months have passed since our baby was born!!! The weather is starting to get nicer, and all of my bulbs have come up, which reminds me of taking pictures in front of my tulips last year on the day that I went into labor (my due date). I am so excited for it to be warm again, and to be able to spend more time outside. We've already started taking advantage of the few 60+ degree days and it feels so great to be out in the fresh air!

I looked at my last post, and there was quite a bit of rambling on and on, so I'm going to try to keep from doing that this time.

Sleep: Still going well- We have regular routines for naps and bedtime that work every time (knock on wood!). She goes down awake for both, and falls asleep on her own with no crying. Usually naps include a little bit of playtime, which is very cute to spy on.

Eating: We have not done any purees for a while now, and usually don't even do yogurt or anything we have to feed- sometimes we fill spoons for her to do herself, but eating is predominately whatever we are having for dinner, sometimes cut up small and sometimes in chunks for her to bite or break apart on her own. She doesn't seem to eat much, but I guess she's little and doesn't need to eat much. We've started giving her small amounts of whole milk in a sippy with meals, and she seems to like it, but doesn't drink much. I think she needs to start drinking more soon, though, because I don't know how much milk I've got left! I just pumped while working, and only got 4 oz (compared to the 8-10 I used to get, and that she drinks at daycare). She still nurses about 5 times a day, but seems to be losing interest a little bit- she woke up the other morning and didn't want to nurse, but ate a nice big breakfast. I'm not too upset by the idea of weaning sooner rather than later!

Playing: She is still hilarious. She fake laughs all the time, and it is so cute and funny. She still pretends to put things in her mouth and that she is going to touch something she isn't supposed to, just to get a reaction from us. She loves going back and forth through her tunnel, and climbing under and behind things. She enjoys and is really good at going up and down our stairs, so we let her do it a lot (with hands inches away to catch her just in case!). She LOVES to dance, and has some new moves that are pretty funny but also seem a little inappropriate (think 'booty-dancing'). She seems to like all types of music. Books are still a very popular activity, and she likes to "read" them to grandparents over skype. She still enjoys bathtime (and swimming!), and I'm looking forward to playing with water outside this summer. I could go on and on about all of the things she does and enjoys!

Walking: Since the last post there have been lots of single steps, and several series of steps. I think the most she has taken at a time is 6. It's funny, all of a sudden out of nowhere she will stand up from the ground (not holding anything), pause for a few seconds, and then cautiously take a few steps before deciding to play it safe and crawl again. She hasn't fallen or anything that would make her scared, but she is just a very cautious little girl, I guess! She will also stand up and dance and sit back down, so I don't think she has any concerns about her balance. I predict she will start walking more very soon, but right now she's still taking her time.

Talking: no "real" words yet, besides 'mamama' and 'dadada' which I don't think she is using as actual words. There are a couple of sounds that she seems to use consistently for things, but I'm not sure I would consider them words yet. She does sign for 'bath time', which is very cute, and when eating she will sign 'all done' and just started 'more'. She is so good at pointing and communicating in other ways, I'm wondering if we should make things a little harder for her so she'll be forced to talk and/or sign :) J/k.

New trick: tried to upload a video, but it wasn't working...I'll try again sometime because it is amusing.

Sorry for all of the rambling (again)! To make up for it, some poor-quality, non-cropped cell phone pictures :)

Sorting- is it just my imagination? You decide!

Swim class! She's a cutie in the pool...

Pretending to touch the things she's not supposed to touch...

Some dancing in her room...

Bye bye! (and Hi, Kisses, and I love you- she seems to think blowing kisses is the sign for Aloha)

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