Thursday, April 14, 2011

One Year Old!!!!

I don't have time to post much- but we no longer have a baby, we have a one-year old toddler. It is sad but also so exciting! She walks almost exclusively now - no more crawling! - and has 5-7 teeth depending on how you count them. She is starting to try and say words and I'm sure she'll have a few down soon. She signs a bunch and picks things up quickly, and imitates everything- even things you only do once. She still loves to dance and started a music class, and I think she's got pretty good rhythm already. She is 20 lb 3 oz, 29.5 inches long, and has more personality than I ever imagined possible. She is already becoming a girly-girl, I don't know where she gets it! And as sad as we are that she is growing up so fast, we are loving every day of it. More to come... but here's a pic for now from her party.


  1. cant wait to see more! she is adorable in this picture. see you all soon :)

  2. awww...I can't believe she's a year already! And OMG, those lady bug cupcakes are zoo cute! I can't wait to see the rest of the pics.
