Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Time goes by fast!

I've gotten bad about posting, I know... I really want to keep some sort of record of Baby Beaver's first months, but I just never think to post or know what to write. I need another weekly survey I guess! She is changing a lot, but not doing anything specific like intentionally smiling or rolling over or anything. She does make eye contact and just stare at our faces, or at other things like pictures on the wall or the octopus on her play mat. She stays awake a lot too! She does smile, and even laugh, but it's mostly in her sleep. She is still not on any sort of eating or sleeping schedule, besides a nap every morning which gives me time to do dishes, laundry, etc. I also feel very lucky that the sound of the shower and blow dryer seem to mesmerize her- so she calmly hangs out while I shower and do my hair, which is great. We've been trying to introduce a pacifier recently and it hasn't been successful yet, so I've got to get a few alternative options from the one we have so far. She has taken it for a few minutes at a time from Mr. Beaver, but spits it right out when I give it to her... so comfort sucking (technically "non-nutritive nursing" or something) has continued throughout the day and night. I'm trying to remember that this time is going to fly by and enjoy being able to comfort her and cuddle! She is very, very cuddly so it isn't too hard!!