Saturday, January 30, 2010

75% Done :)

I wasn't kidding last post when I said I am noticeably bigger each week...

Week 29 vs. week 30:

How far along? 30 Weeks! Only 10 to go!!
Total weight gain/loss: Hmm I'm guessing about 20 lbs now
Maternity clothes? Yup. I've been trying to get away with wearing dresses/leggings, but it's just too cold and I've been forced to wear my unflattering maternity jeans most days.
Best moment this week: getting the nursery painted! It actually needs another coat, but it is so exciting to see the room all bright and almost ready to be decorated! I also bought a shelving unit for the closet that I can't wait to build, and the first couple of baby toys :)
Movement: still feeling lots of both kicks and big rolling movements, and I'm still enjoying it! Sometimes the strong ones can be a little startling, but I love being able to feel the baby and know that things are okay with him or her!
Food cravings: still nothing... I haven't even felt very hungry lately. On a side note, baby seems to either really like or really dislike hot wings :)
Gender: Team green! Still no feelings toward either gender.
Labor signs: no thank you!
Belly Button in or out? It is disturbingly out.
What I miss: warm weather!!!!! Nothing really pregnancy related. I guess a decent night's sleep.
Weekly wisdom: Hmm I don't really have any. Wish I had some about how to restrain yourself from baby-related shopping, it's gotten a little out of hand!
Milestones:Being 3/4 of the way done! And my mom bought her flight up for a few days before my due date- exciting!

As happy and excited as we are that we are getting close to having our baby, I still have a TON to do before that happens! I'm hoping the nesting instinct hits soon and helps me get stuff done both for the baby and for work!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

29 weeks+

A few days late, but here is my 29 week report!
I am getting noticeably bigger each week. I think the baby is gaining a good 1/2 lb each week, so figure that goes directly in the belly, and I gain another 1/2 lb or so, pretty much spread out all over...

How far along? 29 weeks! It is going to be very scary to hit 30 for some reason... it's scary enough to think about being in my 30th week now.
Total weight gain/loss: Up 18 lbs at my appt almost a week ago, so I'm sure I'm up a solid 19 now. The weight gain is getting faster!
Maternity clothes? I am mostly in maternity pants now. I go back and forth between maternity and non-maternity tops, the big issue just finding shirts long enough to cover the belly.
Best moment this week: Hmm I think it was actually work related- a big/difficult part of my project came through, getting me one step closer to possibly finishing it before the baby comes!
Movement: Lots and lots. There was one day where I went almost 24 hours without feeling much movement at all and it was actually a little scary- but I was pretty busy so maybe just not paying attention. Luckily the baby started moving more than ever and hasn't stopped then! I actually think it may have been due to a growth spurt- this kid seems to be getting pretty big based on the way my whole bump shifts when he or she moves around.
Food cravings: none really, although I have gotten in the habit of eating ice cream almost every night... and it's hard to limit myself to the tiny 1/2 cup serving size on the label!
Gender: Team green! Still no feelings toward either gender.
Labor signs: no thank you!
Belly Button in or out? It is disturbingly out.
What I miss: Sleeping through the night :( I am tired.
What I am looking forward to: Working on the nursery, our classes, even though they are still a month away!
Weekly wisdom: Unfortunately, daycare does seem to be one of those you-get-what-you-pay for type of things... of course the one I liked the best and felt most comfortable with is the most expensive. Not great news to come at the same time as finding out I will be working Sept. - Dec. without any income.
Milestones: Choosing a color for the nursery and getting the walls all washed, taped, and ready to paint! Also, getting back in the habit of working out- it feels great, but has only been a week so far...we'll see if it lasts.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Tuesday night was my doctor's appointment and everything is going well! There are a couple of things they want to keep an eye on- one is that the baby's heart rate seems to get slower each time... it used to be in the upper 150s, and it has decreased at each appointment. It was 136 this time, but that is still in the normal range, so no biggie. Also, I am measuring small. They measure from your pubic bone to the top of your uterus, and mine has been just a little smaller than it should be the past couple of times. It did grow between appointments, so they are not worried, but they did say they want to pay attention to it. It's nice that now I only have to wait 2 weeks to go back!

This past weekend we got a couple of paint samples and tested them out in the nursery, and we've decided on a light blue color! Here is a picture of a room painted the same color:

I've been working at night to paint some pictures to go above the crib, those are about 1/2 done. Hopefully I'll finish them in the next week or so and Mr. Beaver will paint the room so we can see how it all looks! I'm really nervous that I'm going to change my mind about things haha...I've already started wondering if we chose the right room. Anyway- here's a picture of all we've got so far- the crib and the dresser!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

28 Weeks done!

Whew what a busy week! Got a lot done with the nursery, some big decisions and plans made with work, and managed to find the time to eat enough to gain 3(!) lbs.

How far along? 28 weeks, 12 to go until my due date! (I think that is only 9 left before being considered "Full term"!!)
Total weight gain/loss: Was up 15lbs total at my last appointment, thinking I gained 3+ more this week...
Maternity clothes? I'd say about half-and-half now. Jeans are almost always maternity, shirts are still fine if they are long, but not many are long enough.
Best moment this week: Finishing cleaning out the nursery so we can start getting it ready!
Movement: Tons, pretty constantly. I love how Mr. Beaver gets so wide eyed and amazed when he feels huge kicks or sees big movement :)
Food cravings: nothing much, although Mr. Beaver had a margarita earlier and it made me wish I could have some!
Gender: Team green! Still no feelings toward either gender.
Labor signs: no thank you!
Belly Button in or out? It is disturbingly out.
What I miss: not having back chub and not having an itchy belly...hope that doesn't mean stretch marks are coming.
What I am looking forward to: Continuing work on the nursery! I'm excited to start looking at paint colors.
Weekly wisdom: Old Navy has some awesome sales. We got some clothes today on clearance, with an additional 50% off! 16 pieces total, for $30.
Milestones: Our crib and dresser are set up, and there is bedding on the crib! Maybe will post some pictures this week... Oh- and getting comments on being pregnant from people who didn't know and strangers!! This week so many people at work recognized I am pregnant, and all made very nice comments :) Today at the store the cashier realized it in the middle of ringing us up and squealed- it was so funny! She asked when I was due and then called to the next cashier to look at me, that I was pregnant haha... some people just love pregnant women I guess.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

91 days to go!

I still can't believe I'm less than 100 days away from my due date!

Today was a long day of shopping for maternity clothes and nursery stuff. As you can see in this week's pic, I'm definitely in need of maternity stuff now!

This week's blurb:

Got a sudden pain in your rear? That's just baby, settling into place for his upcoming debut. His head might be pressing on your sciatic nerve, which can cause pain and numbness down the backs of your legs. Don't worry -- it'll ease up soon after labor. For now, your aching back deserves a pat. You've reached trimester three!

Baby is still about the size of an eggplant and/or 13" boot, but I think maybe we move on to new pictures next week!

How far along? 27 weeks!!
Total weight gain/loss: Was up 15lbs total at my appointment on Tuesday
Maternity clothes? My regular shirts have started getting too short to hide the belly, so I'm about half maternity, half pre-preg tops. Pants I'm alternating between my one pair of maternity jeans and the two pre-preg jeans that still fit, but I got another pair of maternity jeans today, and will definitely be wearing them!
Best moment this week: Mr. Beaver and I watched in awe as some part of baby- either the head or bum I'm guessing- moved around the side of my belly. It was so weird! Pretty big too, about the size of a tennis ball! Just now I saw the same movement on the other side... I guess baby still has room to move all around!
Movement: See last answer! The movement is practically non-stop, and even though it's still a little strange, I love it!
Food cravings: Still none! Don't really feel like I'm missing out.
Gender: Team green! Still no feelings toward either gender.
Labor signs: no thank you!
Belly Button in or out? It is disturbingly out.
What I miss: not much... Having a normal-ish belly button!!, not showing signs of a muffin top... it's not bad, but every now and then I have to adjust my pants to correct the little bulge starting to form over my waist bands :(
What I am looking forward to: Putting together the crib and dresser in the nursery!! Both are in boxes in our basement. Mr. Beaver said we will finish cleaning the room out tomorrow. Let's see if that happens with football on...
Weekly wisdom: Be careful around dogs- they don't know you are pregnant and may step on the poor baby without realizing it! Our pup stepped right where baby's bum/head bump was the other day while trying to get comfortable next to me. Poor little guy!
Milestones: I am in my 3rd trimester!!!! Start bi-weekly appointments already! So crazy...

3rd Tri Belly Pic:

And a pic of the baby/belly stomper (because she is so cute and I haven't posted her pic yet!)

(Cuddling with me in my new U.Miami snuggie, and a pic in her new hoodie-which she is obsessed with- with her xmas presents)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wow, the time is flying!!

I'm starting to feel like time is beginning to fly by...

this week we went and visited our first daycare! It was so strange to see the babies and think that our little baby who is not even born yet will be going and hanging out with other babies and caregivers in just about 6 or 7 months. It's one thing to go and visit and talk to the people, but I know that it is going to be so difficult when the time comes to go back to work. Luckily for the first few months at least we will only need part time care, maybe two or three days a week.

I also had my doctor appointment this week, where I got the crazy news that I am already switching to appointments every 2 weeks!?! I didn't think that happened until much later. I don't feel like I'm that far along! I don't know why they need to see me so much more anyway- they don't even do anything!

It's been hard not to think about baby stuff most of this week with these things happening, plus I had lunch with a couple of other pregnant friends Monday, and caught up with another pregnant friend Tuesday. Today I met up with a friend who has an adorable 13 month old, and this weekend I'm going to look for maternity clothes and nursery furniture with yet another pregnant friend. I feel like there's a baby-boom! I guess it's like when I got engaged, and it seemed like all of a sudden everyone was getting married. I just hope everything slows down a little. I finally feel like I look nice and pregnant, not too big but I don't think anyone would mistake me for just having a gut anymore. Now I want to enjoy feeling good, and catch up on work so that I an relax once our baby comes.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year! 26 Weeks done!

Happy New Year! Hope you had a great time celebrating the end of 2009 and the beginning of 2010! We had a lot of fun, I stayed up a lot later than I expected to, and I got a good sugar buzz from my sparkling grape juice :)
I feel like this year is going to be full of new and exciting experiences, besides becoming parents, I will probably (hopefully!) be finishing school, deciding on a plan for my future career, and hopefully getting a job, which could all lead to a big move. Of course the "becoming parents" part is by far the most exciting!! My very noticeable belly is a constant reminder of the big changes coming in just a few more months:

Baby's still an eggplant for a while...
According to the "Father's Guide", this month the baby is about the size of a 13" boot:

How far along? 26 weeks, almost done with the 2nd trimester
Total weight gain/loss: Maybe around 15 lbs?
Maternity clothes? I got a great pair of jeans that actually fit and wore them for New Year's- it was great! They were actually more cute than some of my normal jeans... Other than that, still mostly in pre-preg. clothes.
Best moment this week: Ringing in the new year, the year our baby will be born!
Movement: Tons- very fun!
Food cravings: Had a good appetite this week, but still no specific cravings.
Gender: Team green! Still no feelings toward either gender.
Labor signs: no thank you!
Belly Button in or out? It is disturbingly out.
What I miss: not much... I guess having a normal-ish belly button!!
What I am looking forward to: Putting together the crib!! It is in a box in our basement. There is room in the nursery but I think Mr. Beaver wants to clean the room out completely before putting the crib in :(
Weekly wisdom: Hmm my brain isn't working so well, no wisdom here...
Milestones: Picked, ordered, and received the crib! Still have to decide how to decorate the nursery, but at least we've got it started! The office has been moved, now we've just got to empty all of the random junk left over in the room.
Also, the big milestone- Less than 100 days left!!! Yesterday began the 99 day countdown!
I am starting to feel a little time pressure, even though I know I've still got three months. I am thinking I should start talking to my doctors about the whole labor and delivery process. I have a good idea of what I want and don't want, and don't really know how my practice's OBs feel when it comes to induction, epidurals, episiotomies, c-sections, etc. I guess I will bring it up at my next appointment. Even more pressing is my work, like I mentioned at the beginning of this post, I may be finishing school in about 9 months which means I've got a lot to do, and a lot to think about. Unfortunately I'm having SO much trouble thinking about anything other than the baby, nursery, etc. and haven't been working as much as I should.
Maybe that will be my new year's resolution- work at least a full 40 hours a week before spending time thinking about baby stuff!! Wish me luck :)