Tuesday, September 29, 2009

12 Weeks- almost out of first tri!

It doesn't look like it's growing much in these morning pics, but you should see the belly at the end of the day!!
How far along? 12 weeks!!
Total weight gain/loss: I think I may've gained a few #s now... in the evening I was up almost 5 from my first doctor's appt.
Maternity clothes? Nope but I wore a bella band a few days, and now only two pairs of jeans (that are normally too big) are comfy!
Sleep: Pretty normal
Best moment this week: Hearing the heartbeat at home on my doppler
Movement: Baby is moving, we can't feel it.
Food cravings: No specific cravings, just food in general.
Gender: Won't be able to answer this until baby's birthday!
Labor signs: no thank you!
Belly Button in or out? I have an outie, so it's always out. It's already starting to look a little different, and I'm worried.
What I miss: my favorite jeans being comfortable
What I am looking forward to: telling school/work
Weekly wisdom: People really don't notice/suspect when you don't drink!
Milestones: Being able to tell our friends! (I asked- that's how I know they didn't suspect it :))

Saturday, September 19, 2009

11 weeks!!

Hmm... I'm thinking I should've changed out of my PJs for the pic... oh well :)
How far along? 11 weeks- for some reason, I am SO excited to get to 12.
Total weight gain/loss: At my appointment yesterday I was up almost 2 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Nope
Sleep: I've been waking up around 5am and not being able to fall back to sleep. Not fun.
Best moment this week: Hearing the heartbeat at our appointment!!!!! Also telling my brother in person :)
Movement: Baby is moving, we can't feel it.
Food cravings: No specific cravings, just food in general.
Gender: Thinking we're closer to deciding to keep it a surprise.
Labor signs: nope
Belly Button in or out? I have an outie, so it's always out. It's already starting to look a little different, and I'm worried.
What I miss: having a flat belly in all of my fitted tops
What I am looking forward to: Everyone in our immediate families knowing soon...
Weekly wisdom: Symptoms disappearing really doesn't mean something is wrong :)
Milestones: telling people, the heartbeat being audible with a doppler

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Week 10 (late)!

After a stressful weekend, we are finally back in town caught up enough that I found time to post an update with my week 10 picture. In other exciting news, my brother is visiting, so we decided to tell him! His response, "that's freakin' awesome!" I don't know why, I wasn't sure how excited he would be, so it was nice that he was pretty happy!
In other news- first official OB appointment today! Yay!

Week 10:

How far along? 10 weeks, woo hoo for double digits!
Total weight gain/loss: I'm guessing up 3 pounds. We will see today at my appointment.
Maternity clothes? Nope
Sleep: I need sleep because I still haven't caught up from this weekend, but the lack of sleep is not pregnancy-related.
Best moment this week: Finally getting home from one of the longest.weekends.ever.
Movement: Baby is moving, we can't feel it.
Food cravings: No specific cravings, just food in general.
Gender: Thinking we're closer to deciding to keep it a surprise.
Labor signs: nope
Belly Button in or out? I have an outie, so it's always out. It's already starting to look a little different, and I'm worried.
What I miss: beer :) Not too bad though.
What I am looking forward to: Hopefully hearing the heartbeat today, and then being able to tell family!
Weekly wisdom: Write appointments in your calendar as soon as you make them!!
Milestones: double digits, and being 1/4 of the way through!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


No new info :( I am an idiot...
We showed up nice and early to my 11:30 appt only to find out it was actually at 10am. I have no idea how I got confused! They usually call to confirm 24-48 hours before, but this time they didn't. I called to confirm yesterday at 4:45 but they had closed at 4:30 so nobody was there. I feel so dumb!! Now I've got to wait 8 days until my new appointment...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Counting down the hours...

until my appointment. I am not worried that something is wrong- I mean, not any more than normal. I am more worried that we won't get confirmation that everything is okay, and we will have to wait another month to tell people! I am really hoping that they will try to hear the heartbeat on the doppler. It may be too early and they may not hear anything, but I don't think that I would be more concerned than if they didn't try at all, so I hope they do it. If they don't do it on their own, I think I will beg them to. Hope it works!! If all goes well and we hear the heartbeat, we will be telling Mr. Beaver's mom, along with our siblings, grandparents, etc. I may even see my cousins this weekend (we've got an OOT wedding) and I won't have to make excuses for not drinking! X*fingers crossed*X

Saturday, September 5, 2009

9 weeks completed!!!

Week 4 VS. Week 9:

Does it count as showing? I can see it! Less bloat too!

How far along? 9 weeks already!
Total weight gain/loss: Probably a few pounds, I'll find out for sure at the doctor's on wed.
Maternity clothes? Nope, and the bloat seems to be subsiding, so I'm hoping not to need them for a while.
Sleep: I need more sleep, but that is due to work. Fatigue has also subsided.
Best moment this week: I think just feeling better in general- no specific moment.
Movement: Supposedly the baby is moving around on his/her own now, but I obviously don't feel anything yet.
Food cravings: None, and I'm not needing to eat as much any more, and no nausea when I do get hungry.
Gender: Thinking we're closer to deciding to keep it a surprise.
Labor signs: nope
Belly Button in or out? I have an outie, so it's always out. I guess I'll report if it seems to be more out later?
What I miss: beer :) Not too bad though.
What I am looking forward to: Knowing everything is okay. I know it's normal for symptoms to come and go, but when all of mine disappeared all of a sudden, it made me worried. I just want to know that there is still a baby growing in there. Hopefully they will be able to tell me that at my appointment on Wed.
Weekly wisdom: Hmm... none really. I guess I will make a suggestion- drinking hot water with lemon seemed to help when I was feeling bloated earlier in the week.
Milestones: The baby has graduated from "embryo" to "fetus" status!! Also, this is the last week of single digit weeks!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Bad day, long week :(

After a very, very looong week of being very busy and tired, I had a bad day today. I was running an errand before going to work, and I was trying to find parking. There was not a single spot, until I was turning right onto a one-way street, and I saw a spot a few car lengths back. Nobody was coming, so I put my car in reverse, and backed up right as someone was pulling out of the parking lot I had just pulled out of :( I have my first dent in my car that I have had for less than a month. I'm hoping she doesn't find any damage on her car so my insurance doesn't find out...

In other news, I have been crazy busy with work and have the added stress of having a house guest here for a week. I don't mind having a friend here, but it's no fun to have to hide being pregnant 24/7 when I used to be able to come home to all of my pregnancy books and sonogram picture on the fridge. Luckily my symptoms have all pretty much disappeared (this is my "other news"). I am exhausted, but that is from not sleeping enough and working a ton- my work always takes a lot out of me. Now I am just trying to keep away the thoughts that something is wrong because my symptoms are gone... luckily I go for my next appointment on Wednesday. If everything is okay then I don't mind not having symptoms, I just need the doctor to confirm that. We are planning on telling Mr. Beaver's mom and all of our siblings after this appointment, so hopefully everything goes well!

Now I'm off to fake drink/avoid "why aren't you drinking?" questions and be social.
Have a good weekend!