Friday, April 27, 2012

15 weeks!

Surprisingly, I can use a lot of the answers copied from last time :) 
I'm going to try and put up some back-dated updates put together from some emails to friends. I even have an old pic to post from about 6 weeks ago. 
(Today's pic to come-- I could only get it to post sideways for some reason!!)

How far along? 15 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: Just like last time, I fluctuate a good 4-5 lbs throughout each day. Unlike last time- I am gaining a lot faster! According to my scale at home, I am already up almost 10 lbs. My midwife's scale is not as friendly!!
Maternity clothes? I have some, but haven't worn them yet. Wearing the belly bands daily though!
Sleep: Pretty normal, get up once a night to pee most nights, and/or because I'm thirsty.
Best moment this week: Hmmm... I have no idea. Pregnancy-related not much happens, but I guess it was nice to get the prescription for our anatomy scan (ultrasound), so that we can schedule it.
Movement: I have definitely felt movement every now and then over the past week! It's nice this time to know what it feels like. 
Food cravings: Nothing this time either!
Gender: We haven't decide whether or not to find out. There are definitely pros and cons both ways. If it were up to me alone, I'd wait again... but I don't feel as strongly this time, so Mr. Beaver *may* be able to convince me to find out. We'll see. 
Labor signs: n/a
Belly Button in or out? I realized that my childhood umbilica hernia never closed up completely, so last time I was pregnant it actually opened back up... and never closed again. So my belly button has been out since I was first pregnant. 
What I miss: Drinking! It hasn't been that hard, but a drink would be nice now and then. From last pregnancy, I miss being able to nap!!! I can't believe how much I napped last time, and how much it helped! 
What I am looking forward to: Riley understanding more about what is happening! 
Weekly wisdom: Hmm... enjoy the freedom of being pregnant with #1? I feel like I was able to enjoy it so much more! 
Milestones: Not this week, but making it to 2nd tri, telling everyone, etc. 

1 comment:

  1. omg!!! i haven't been blogging or checking in until recently. congrats on baby #2 :)
