Sunday, June 13, 2010

2 months!!

Our baby girl turned two months old Friday!! I can't believe how fast the time has gone by, and how big she has grown! She is between 75-90th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for length, so it's not just our imagination when we say she has grown so big already.

This week we visited friends a couple of days, went to our baptism class, and had the dreaded two-month checkup (shots!). Baby B did well for most of it, besides an explosive diaper while eating during a quiet moment in the baptism class... which ended up leaking out onto my dress. It wasn't the first time this happened and won't be the last I'm sure- it's crazy that I don't think it's that big of a deal! If someone told me that I would feel that way a year ago, I'm not sure I'd believe it :)

The two-month shots were not horrible... I think it's true that it is worse on the mom than baby. She did cry- after turning a dark, deep red color and looking at me like she couldn't believe I let that happen to her :( Luckily I was able to nurse her immediately after, and she calmed down within a couple of minutes. After a few hours of sleep she did wake up very sore, and screamed even louder and a lot longer than when she actually got the shots, but tylenol helped and she was back to her normal, cheerful self by the morning!
We got her a new chair for doing so well :)

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