Saturday, September 25, 2010

Last week's update

Oops, a little late!!

Age: 23 weeks

Stats/Size: She seems bigger, but no official update on size

Sleep: Eh, naps are good, night time is fine most nights but some nights I'm up two or three times.

Eat: still eating on-demand. She wouldn't take a bottle with the babysitter (and still never at home) but does fine at daycare.

Getting Around: she is getting SO close to crawling...up on her hands and knees all the time, even at night if she wakes up (which makes it hard for her to fall back to sleep!), but she still does more of an army crawl and/or pushes along with her legs.

New People: Baby met SO many new people at a family wedding this past weekend! Everyone loved her and she was so amazing with the hectic schedule and traveling. She also met several of her uncle's college roommates and friends, one of my college roommates and friends, and her new babysitter.

Best moment this week: Seeing how in love my brother was the moment he picked his niece up for the first time. I was not expecting him to fall for her so fast! We need to find a way to see family more often...

Worst moment this week: Ugh- the whole night before travelling... I went to bed at about 10, baby woke up at 11:30, 1:30, 3:30, 4, and then we had to get up at 4:30 to get ready and leave for the airport for our early morning flight. And we had two short flights with a connection, so I did not get any sleep... Although I think even worse than that was the one time that baby woke up the next night. We were staying with my college friend, and she and her husband had to leave for work at 6:30. Baby woke up SCREAMING at 4 am and did not calm down for a good half hour. She never screams at night- she hardly even cries... it was not fun.

What I miss: Being able to sleep on plane rides :)

What I am looking forward to: Last week I was looking forward to the Miami Hurricanes playing here! That is passed now, it was Thursday night and we won!

Weekly Wisdom: Make a checklist when you travel... it is a lot easier to forget stuff when you have a baby and all the extra stuff that comes with her. We left Mr. B's garment bag at home for our trip to Boston, which had his suit for the wedding and baby's dress she was going to wear!

1 comment:

  1. sorry about the night sleep/lack of...and oops for forgetting clothes! i need more pictures of the almost crawler!!
