Thursday, January 21, 2010


Tuesday night was my doctor's appointment and everything is going well! There are a couple of things they want to keep an eye on- one is that the baby's heart rate seems to get slower each time... it used to be in the upper 150s, and it has decreased at each appointment. It was 136 this time, but that is still in the normal range, so no biggie. Also, I am measuring small. They measure from your pubic bone to the top of your uterus, and mine has been just a little smaller than it should be the past couple of times. It did grow between appointments, so they are not worried, but they did say they want to pay attention to it. It's nice that now I only have to wait 2 weeks to go back!

This past weekend we got a couple of paint samples and tested them out in the nursery, and we've decided on a light blue color! Here is a picture of a room painted the same color:

I've been working at night to paint some pictures to go above the crib, those are about 1/2 done. Hopefully I'll finish them in the next week or so and Mr. Beaver will paint the room so we can see how it all looks! I'm really nervous that I'm going to change my mind about things haha...I've already started wondering if we chose the right room. Anyway- here's a picture of all we've got so far- the crib and the dresser!

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