Friday, August 7, 2009

Bloodwork is back and...

I'm going to have an ultrasound today! My HCG was at 3217. I guess if it is over 2000 they don't take a second beta, instead they do an ultrasound. I'm not sure what, if anything, we will see, but hopefully it goes well!! Mr. Beaver is going to try to get there in time, but he said it would be hard. He said early next week would be worse, so today it is. I'm very excited but also nervous. I don't know if they will be able to tell if anything is wrong yet, but hopefully there will be some indication that all is well in my uterus :)

So an update from my ultrasound....
Based on my LMP I am 5 weeks, 5 days pregnant. My doctor put me at 5 weeks, 4 days. I think they are both wrong... I think that today I am 4 weeks 6 days. At least that is what I am hoping, or even that I am less pregnant than that. Conception day could be a day or so later than ovulation, right?
We went for the ultrasound and all we saw was an empty sack. If I am very early, then that is normal, and my pregnancy is real and progressing normally. If I am as far along as my doctor thinks, I feel like we should have seen more. What really worries me is that they expected to be able to see enough to know the pregnancy is viable based on my high hCG number, but this is not what happened. I have gone over many different scenarios in my head and decided I'm going to try not to think about it until Monday when the doctor (hopefully) calls. I wonder if I will worry any less after these first few weeks, or if I should get used to feeling like this for the rest of my pregnancy- or life?!

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